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Hani Metallurgy has Commissioning Two Wire Rod Mill Pant in Iran with Annual output of 900,000 TPY In 2021

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Posted on: 01/06/23

Hani Metallurgy has Commissioning Two Wire Rod Mill Pant in Iran with Annual output of 900,000 TPY In 2021


In 2021, Hani Metallurgy commissioned another Iran for two high-speed wire rod production lines with an annual output of 300,000 tons and 600,000 tons respectively.

The high-speed bar production line adopts the concept of flexible and modular rolling and applies the world's first single pass-shaped high-speed bar rolling technology, the speed can reach 45m/s stably, realizing a new breakthrough in the intelligent technology of high-speed bar and wire.

In July 2021, good news came from Iran. Hani Metallurgy provided Zhende Steel with a high-speed wire rod production line with an annual output of 500,000 tons and a high-speed strip steel production line with an annual output of 800,000 tons. The equipment running speed was 110m/s, and the product accuracy And quality have reached an internationally advanced level.

When the project was basically implemented, it was a period of the high incidence of the new crown epidemic in China, and then the epidemic spread to the world. Customers could not come to China for on-site inspections, and the project team could not go abroad for business and technical negotiations. They could only communicate through video conferences and emails.

After many difficulties, the company successfully completed the installation and commissioning guidance with advanced technology, rich and solid international engineering experience, and high customer-oriented service standards, and the project came to a successful conclusion.

In the future, Hani Metallurgy will continue to contribute more high-quality metallurgy equipment as always.


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